About Living Tree Care
Leading Tree Care Professionals for residential & commercial projects
LTC is not a typical tree company. We have aPriority of community involvement and relationship,with a keen desire for the advancement ofthose who work with earth and trees.We invest in people and their ability to be helpfuland responsible contributors to our world,directly, in their day-to-day, tasks-to-task activities.We have a history of cultivating competent andcaring tree care industry workers and arborists.Our priority of education, training and safety growsout of the great need that exists for instruction andtraining in ethical and safe tree care management.
Planting Seeds of Freedom in Pakistan
Merferd is a TREETOON of Phil Berwick's, owner of Living Tree Care. Because of some fans in Pakistan he came to know about 'Brick Yard Kids'. Children work in oneof the most deforested coal smoke filled environments on earth. We are freeing children and cleaning the air they breath by planting TREES.
Freed from a modern day slavery .
Sisters Misha and Minisha were being robbed of education in a miserable brick making kiln. They are now freed from that man forsaken place, going to a government school and sewing dresses in our Freedom House. The brothers will be planting trees soon.
Children and families in 'Bonded Labor' in Pakistan make a thousand bricks a day for barely enough to eat.
Each of the thousands of massive out door brick making factories have the name of the owner stamped on the bricks the families make. Hence the 'Freedom Brick'.

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